In any Romanian household there is a whole industry of tools that manage to provide the processing of different materials. Most of the wood ones were created by certain techniques work, in people’s own household, and have been assigned with utilitarian roles. However, the tools are a means for expression of the creator’s individuality and have a certain aesthetic value even if they are not decorated, simply by their form adapted to the practical purpose.

Among the most valuable tools that are in our mind: tools used by women in domestic industry (loom, distaffs, reels, sucale, shuttles, Melita, pipes…), tools used in household work (cant hook, Re, Bard, knives, sfleder, axes, saws, chain cioflânci, wooden forks, rake, sew …).

And because after grazing and processing natural yarns followed gathering, hunting and fishing as secondary occupations, the museum has pieces that confirms this: comb blueberries, bear trap, fishing tools…